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The Easiest Way To Make Free Money!

Homegrown's Ambassador program is THE EASIEST MARIJUANA SEEDS AFFILIATE MARKETING OPPORTUNITY ever (and it’s for everyone!).

With federal legalization almost upon us in the United States more and more people are becoming interested in growing their own marijuana - and so they should be!

Whether you want to save money, make money, avoid dodgy deals, remain anonymous, medicate freely, or whatever your reason, everyone should be growing their own.

There’s a massive global movement to legalize marijuana. It’s legal in many places already, medicinal and otherwise.

Laws everywhere, but particularly in the United States, are becoming more relaxed.Given these legal changes It’s far less risky now to grow your own marijuana and that means opportunity abounds.

So, growing your own personal stash has become a whole lot easier. Watching it grow is pretty cool too and the satisfaction of your first harvest can be quite overwhelming! And guess what? You can also make money while you're doing it.

Look, it’s as EASY as 1-2-3!

  • JOIN NOW as an Homegrown Cannabis Co. Ambassador
  • Place your UNIQUE LINK wherever you have an internet presence
  • GET PAID when we convert your traffic into sales
Yes, it really is as simple as that! Ready to sign up? Hit the button to Sign up

Homegrown Cannabis Co. is the only Marijuana Seeds brand directly endorsed or associated with industry icons like Kyle Kushman, Steve DeAngelo, Swami Select and many more of marijuana's most credible and notable people.

Existing Affiliate Marketers know that credibility is everything in online sales and will already know what a unique proposition this is. We’ll see you inside!

For the rest of you ‘budding’ entrepreneurs, here’s a little more information. A lot of people are making a lot of money through Affiliate Marketing already. We know you’d like to make money on the internet too - and easily if you could.

However, the continuous ‘sales’ activities typical Affiliate Programs require can simply discourage those people who don’t like to sell, who don’t have all the technical skills or perhaps the time.

We wanted to change this. We want everyone to make money on the internet and, of course, spread the word aboutHomegrown Cannabis Co.

So, rather than sell (or get Affiliates to sell) the written and video guides we've created to help people grow marijuana at home we decided to give them away for free. Instead, we invite you to make money with us on seed and product sales instead. Your success is our success!

Use our brand and reputation to make money

We firmly believe that there will be explosion of people in the United States growing their own "Homegrown" marijuana. Really, what better way to encourage the whole world to get into the spirit of growing while generating revenue for yourself?

Naturally, as a fully-fledged Marijuana Affiliate Program, we give you everything you need to operate as a true affiliate if you choose to join us. Here's what you'll get...

  • Your own unique Marijuana Affiliate ID
  • All the images, banner ads, and links you need
  • Training, tutorials, tips, and tools that tell you exactly what to do
  • Powerful software that automatically tracks all your transactions
  • And all the support you expect from a true, professional Affiliate Program

All you need to do is place your unique Marijuana Affiliate ID links anywhere you have an internet presence. They can be on your websites or on your Facebook and other Social Media pages.

You can send bulk emails, text messages, or create a blog. You can write articles or contribute to forums. You can even use Google AdWords or Pay Per Click campaigns if you choose.

The possibilities are literally unlimited, and so are your earnings! Every single time someone clicks on one of your links and buys something from the Homegrown Cannabis Co. you receive 20% of the total amount these visitors spend (excluding convenience and shipping fees). Think about it, if only three people a day spend the average order value of $140, you could make...

...$1800 EVERY MONTH as a Homegrown Ambassador

And you hardly did anything to generate that so just imagine what your earnings could be with a little effort! Once you get going you’ll feel your excitement grow each day.

Through your Ambassador account you can check your daily statistics at a glance, see the number of visitors you’ve sent over to us, check the number of page views, the number of clicks, and the number of sales you’ve generated. Of course, you can watch your earnings grow too!

...Join the Homegrown Ambassador family today

Sign up

How it works?

We've streamlined our entire affiliate process to ensure ease of use, while still maintaining extremely accurate affiliate tracking.

  • A visitor clicks on one of out affiliate links or banners on your website, social channel or via a marketing email.
  • The visitors IP is logged and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
  • The visitor browses the Homegrown website and may decide to order.
  • If the visitor orders (the order need not be placed during the same browser session as both cookies and IP addresses are stored for 90 days) the order will be registered as a sale for you.
  • We will review and approve the sale.
  • You will receive commission payouts.

Make money by helping us help others to grow marijuana

By becoming an ambassador for Homegrown Cannabis Co. you will receive a part of the revenue when someone makes a purchase from due to your efforts.

Click Sign Up below to get started. We'll review your application within 24-48 hours and all being well, you're good to go.

High Conversion Rate = More Money!

Our website and plans generate one of the highest conversion rates in the industry. Our high conversion rates mean that the people who you send here are more likely to buy our products.

Can we prove that? Join up, send us traffic and see for yourself.

Long cookie duration.

If a customer comes from your site to ours, and then comes back to purchase in 60 days, you get credit.

That's it! You send us business, we send you money!

Signing up and getting your account configured couldn't be easier. You can be referring business our way in as little as five minutes.

Start making money now!

There is no charge to join our Ambassador Program. Earn 20% commissions on every sale you help us generate.

Sign up